Victoria MacKenzie-Childs
Victoria MacKenzie-Childs’s journey to Alfred began with Wayne Higby. She was so eager to work with Higby that she rode her bicycle from Boston to Providence, RI, where Higby was teaching at the Rhode Island School of Design. Victoria was undeterred when she learned that Higby was leaving for Alfred University; the following year, she came to A.U. to work with him.
Victoria and her husband Richard (’78) founded MacKenzie-Childs, Ltd., a luxury home goods firm, in 1983. They left their firm over ten years ago to pursue another goal: transforming the last remaining Ellis Island ferryboat, the Yankee Ferry. The Ferry, alongside hundreds of thousands of other projects the two have created, embodies the principles, techniques, and creativity A.U. hopes to foster in its art students.
Victoria and Richard delivered Alfred University’s 181st commencement address in May 2017.